Source code for

from import write
from import read
from ase import Atom, Atoms
import numpy as np
import sys

__author__ = "Alexander Gabourie"
__email__ = ""

# Helper Functions

def __get_atom_line(atom, velocity, groups, type_dict, info):
    Constructs an atom's line in an file.

        atom (ase.Atom):
            Atom object to write to file.

        velocity (bool):
            If velocities need to be added.

        groups (bool):
            If the groups need to be added.

        type_dict (dict):
            Dictionary to convert symbol to type number.

        info (dict):
            Dictionary that stores all velocity, and groups data.

            The line to be printed to file.
    optional = ''
    if info:
            option = info[atom.index]
            if velocity:
                optional += ' ' + ' '.join([str(val) for val in option['velocity']])
            if groups:
                optional += ' ' + ' '.join([str(val) for val in option['groups']])
        except KeyError:
    required = ' '.join([str(type_dict[atom.symbol])] + \
                    [str(val) for val in list(atom.position)] + \

    return required + optional

def __set_atoms(atoms, types):
    Sets the atom symbols for atoms loaded from GPUMD where does not
    contain that information

        atoms (ase.Atoms):
            Atoms object to change symbols in

        types (list(str)):
            List of strings to assign to atomic symbols

    for atom in atoms:
        atom.symbol = types[atom.number]

def __atom_type_sortkey(atom, order=None):
    Used as a key for sorting atom type for GPUMD files

        atom (ase.Atom):
            Atom object

        order (list(str)):
            A list of atomic symbol strings in the desired order.

    if order:
        for i, sym in enumerate(order):
            if sym == atom.symbol:
                return i
        ValueError('type sortkey error: Missing order.')

def __atom_group_sortkey(atom, info=None, group_index=None, order=None):
    Used as a key for sorting atom groups for GPUMD files

        atom (ase.Atom):
            Atom object

        info (dict):
            Info dictionary for Atoms object that 'atom' belongs to. Stores velocity,
            groups information

        group_index (int):
            Index of the grouping list that is part of the 'groups' key for the atom.index
            element from the info dictionary.

        order (list(int)):
            A list of ints in desired order for groups at group_index

    if not (info and not group_index is None):
        ValueError('group sortkey error: Missing either info or group_index.')

    if order:
        for i, group in enumerate(order):
            if group == info[atom.index]['groups'][group_index]:
                return i
        return info[atom.index]['groups'][group_index]
    return sys.maxsize

# Read Related

[docs]def load_xyz(filename='', atom_types=None): """ Reads and returns the structure input file from GPUMD. Args: filename (str): Name of structure file atom_types (list(str)): List of atom types (elements). Returns: tuple: atoms, M, cutoff atoms (ase.Atoms): ASE atoms object with x,y,z, mass, group, type, cell, and PBCs from input file. group is stored in tag, atom type may not correspond to correct atomic symbol M (int): Max number of neighbor atoms cutoff (float): Initial cutoff for neighbor list build """ # read file with open(filename) as f: xyz_lines = f.readlines() # get global structure params l1 = tuple(xyz_lines[0].split()) # first line N, M, use_triclinic, has_velocity, \ num_of_groups = [int(val) for val in l1[:2]+l1[3:]] cutoff = float(l1[2]) l2 = tuple(xyz_lines[1].split()) # second line if use_triclinic: pbc, cell = [int(val) for val in l2[:3]], [float(val) for val in l2[3:]] else: pbc, L = [int(val) for val in l2[:3]], [float(val) for val in l2[3:]] # get atomic params info = dict() atoms = Atoms() atoms.set_pbc((pbc[0], pbc[1], pbc[2])) if use_triclinic: atoms.set_cell(np.array(cell).reshape((3,3))) else: atoms.set_cell([(L[0], 0, 0), (0, L[1], 0), (0, 0, L[2])]) for index, line in enumerate(xyz_lines[2:]): data = dict() lc = tuple(line.split()) # current line type_, mass = int(lc[0]), float(lc[4]) position = [float(val) for val in lc[1:4]] atom = Atom(type_, position, mass=mass) lc = lc[5:] # reduce list length for easier indexing if has_velocity: velocity = [float(val) for val in lc[:3]] lc = lc[3:] data['velocity'] = velocity if num_of_groups: groups = [int(group) for group in lc] data['groups'] = groups atoms.append(atom) info[index] = data = info if atom_types: __set_atoms(atoms, atom_types) return atoms, M, cutoff
[docs]def import_trajectory(filename='', in_file=None, atom_types=None): """ Reads the trajectory from GPUMD run and creates a list of ASE atoms. Args: filename (str): Name of the file that holds the GPUMD trajectory. in_file (str): Name of the original structure input file. Not required, but can help load extra information not included in trajectory output. atom_types (list(str)): List of atom types (elements). Returns: list(ase.Atoms): A list of ASE atoms objects. """ # get extra information about system if wanted if in_file: atoms, _, _ = load_xyz(in_file,atom_types) pbc = atoms.get_pbc() else: pbc = None with open(filename, 'r') as f: xyz_line = f.readlines() num_atoms = int(xyz_line[0]) block_size = num_atoms + 2 num_blocks = len(xyz_line) // block_size traj = list() for block in range(num_blocks): types = [] positions = [] ## TODO Loop may be inefficient in accessing xyz_line for entry in xyz_line[block_size*block+2:block_size*(block+1)]: # type_ can be an atom number or index to atom_types type_, x, y, z = entry.split()[:4] positions.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) if atom_types: types.append(atom_types[int(type_)]) else: types.append(int(type_)) if atom_types: traj.append(Atoms(symbols=types, positions=positions, pbc=pbc)) else: traj.append(Atoms(numbers=types, positions=positions, pbc=pbc)) return traj
######################################### # Write Related #########################################
[docs]def create_kpoints(atoms, path='G', npoints=1, special_points=None): """ Creates the file "", which specifies the kpoints needed for src/phonon Args: atoms (ase.Atoms): Unit cell to use for phonon calculation path (str): String of special point names defining the path, e.g. 'GXL' npoints (int): Number of points in total. Note that at least one point is added for each special point in the path special_points (dict): Dictionary mapping special points to scaled kpoint coordinates. For example ``{'G': [0, 0, 0], 'X': [1, 0, 0]}`` Returns: tuple: First element is the kpoints converted to x-coordinates, second the x-coordinates of the high symmetry points, and third the labels of those points. """ tol = 1e-15 path = atoms.cell.bandpath(path, npoints, special_points=special_points) b = atoms.get_reciprocal_cell()*2*np.pi # Reciprocal lattice vectors gpumd_kpts = np.matmul(path.kpts, b) gpumd_kpts[np.abs(gpumd_kpts)<tol] = 0.0 np.savetxt('', gpumd_kpts, header=str(npoints), comments='',fmt='%g') return path.get_linear_kpoint_axis()
[docs]def create_basis(atoms): """ Creates the file. Atoms passed to this must already have the basis of every atom defined.\n Related: preproc.add_basis, preproc.repeat Args: atoms (ase.Atoms): Atoms of unit cell used to generate """ out = '{}\n'.format(len(['unitcell'])) masses = atoms.get_masses() info = for i in info['unitcell']: out += '{} {}\n'.format(i, masses[i]) for i in range(atoms.get_global_number_of_atoms()): out += '{}\n'.format(info[i]['basis']) with open("", 'w') as file: file.write(out)
[docs]def convert_gpumd_atoms(in_file='', out_filename='', format='xyz', atom_types=None): """ Converts the GPUMD input structure file to any compatible ASE output structure file. **Warning: Info dictionary may not be preserved**. Args: in_file (str): GPUMD position file to get structure from out_filename (str): Name of output file after conversion format (str): ASE supported output format atom_types (list(str)): List of atom types (elements). """ atoms, M, cutoff = load_xyz(in_file, atom_types) write(out_filename, atoms, format) return
[docs]def lammps_atoms_to_gpumd(filename, M, cutoff, style='atomic', gpumd_file=''): """ Converts a lammps data file to GPUMD compatible position file. Args: filename (str): LAMMPS data file name M (int): Maximum number of neighbors for one atom cutoff (float): Initial cutoff distance for building the neighbor list style (str): Atom style used in LAMMPS data file gpumd_file (str): File to save the structure data to """ # Load atoms atoms = read(filename, format='lammps-data', style=style) ase_atoms_to_gpumd(atoms, M, cutoff, gpumd_file=gpumd_file) return
[docs]def ase_atoms_to_gpumd(atoms, M, cutoff, gpumd_file='', sort_key=None, order=None, group_index=None): """ Converts ASE atoms to GPUMD compatible position file. Args: atoms (ase.Atoms): Atoms to write to gpumd file M (int): Maximum number of neighbors for one atom cutoff (float): Initial cutoff distance for building the neighbor list gpumd_file (str): File to save the structure data to sort_key (str): How to sort atoms ('group', 'type'). order (list(type)): List to sort by. Provide str for 'type', and int for 'group' group_index (int): Selects the group to sort in the output. """ info = # info dictionary that stores velocities, groups # sort atoms by desired property if sort_key == 'type': atoms_list = sorted(atoms, key=lambda x: __atom_type_sortkey(x, order)) elif sort_key == 'group': atoms_list = sorted(atoms, key=lambda x: __atom_group_sortkey(x, info, group_index, order)) else: atoms_list = atoms # set order of types if sort_key=='type' and order: types = order else: types = list(set(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())) type_dict = dict() for i, type_ in enumerate(types): type_dict[type_] = i # assume info[0] has same keys and number of groups as all other indices num_groups = 0 if info and (0 in info): infokeys = list(info[0]) velocity = 'velocity' in infokeys if 'groups' in infokeys: groups = True num_groups = str(len(info[0]['groups'])) else: groups = False else: velocity = 0 groups = 0 # prepare cell to write N = len(atoms) pbc = [str(1) if val else str(0) for val in atoms.get_pbc()] lx, ly, lz, a1, a2, a3 = tuple(atoms.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()) summary = ' '.join([str(N), str(M), str(cutoff), '@', '1' if velocity else '0', num_groups if groups else '0','\n']) # if orthorhombic if a1 == a2 == a3 == 90: summary = summary.replace('@', '0') lx, ly, lz = str(lx), str(ly), str(lz) summary += ' '.join(pbc + [lx, ly, lz] + ['\n']) else: # if triclinic summary = summary.replace('@', '1') cell_str_vec = [str(val) for val in atoms.get_cell().flatten()] summary += ' '.join(pbc + cell_str_vec + ['\n']) # write structure with open(gpumd_file, 'w') as f: f.writelines(summary) for atom in atoms_list[:-1]: line = __get_atom_line(atom, velocity, groups, type_dict, info) f.writelines(line + '\n') # Last line atom = atoms_list[-1] line = __get_atom_line(atom, velocity, groups, type_dict, info) f.writelines(line) return