Source code for thermo.lammps.calc

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from scipy import integrate
from math import floor
import as sio
from thermo.math.correlate import autocorr

__author__ = "Alexander Gabourie"
__email__ = ""

def __metal_to_SI( vol, T ):
    Converts LAMMPS metal units to SI units for thermal conductivity calculations.

        vol (float):
            Volume in angstroms^3

        T (float):
            Temperature in K

        float: Converted value
    kb = 1.38064852e-23 #m^3*kg/(s^2*K)
    vol = vol/(1.0e10)**3 #to m^3
    #eV^2*ns/(ps^2*angstrom^4) to J^2/(s*m^4)
    to_SI = (1.602e-19)**2.*1.0e12*(1.0e10)**4.0*1000.
    return vol*to_SI/(kb*T**2)

[docs]def get_heat_flux(directory='.', heatflux_file='heat_out.heatflux', mat_file='heat_flux.mat'): ''' Gets the heat flux from a LAMMPS EMD simulation. Creates a compressed .mat file if only in text form. Loads .mat form if exists. Args: directory (str): This is the directory in which the simulation results are located. If not provided, the current directory is used. heatflux_file (str): Filename of heatflux output. If not provided 'heat_out.heatflux' is used. mat_file (str): MATLAB file to load, if exists. If not provided, 'heat_flux.mat' will be used. Also used as filename for saved MATLAB file. Returns: dict:Jx (list), Jy (list), Jz (list), rate (float) ''' heatflux_file = os.path.join(directory, heatflux_file) mat_file = os.path.join(directory, mat_file) # Check that directory exists if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise IOError('The path: {} is not a directory.'.format(directory)) # Go to directory and see if imported .mat file already exists if os.path.isfile(mat_file) and mat_file.endswith('.mat'): return sio.loadmat(mat_file) # Continue with the import since .mat file if not os.path.isfile(heatflux_file): raise IOError('The file: \'{}{}\' is not found.'.format(directory,heatflux_file)) # Read the file with open(heatflux_file, 'r') as hf_file: lines = hf_file.readlines()[2:] num_elem = len(lines) # Get timestep rate = int(lines[0].split()[0]) # read all data jx = np.zeros(num_elem) jy = np.zeros(num_elem) jz = np.zeros(num_elem) for i,line in enumerate(lines): vals = line.split() jx[i] = float(vals[1]) jy[i] = float(vals[2]) jz[i] = float(vals[3]) output = {'Jx':jx, 'Jy':jy, 'Jz':jz, 'rate':rate} sio.savemat(mat_file, output) return output
[docs]def get_GKTC(directory='.', T=300, vol=1, dt=None, rate=None, tau=None, heatflux_file='heat_out.heatflux',mat_file='heat_flux.mat'): ''' Gets the thermal conductivity vs. time profile using the Green-Kubo formalism. thermal conductivity vector and time vector. Assumptions with no info given by user: dt = 1 fs, vol = 1, T=300, rate=dt, tau=total time Args: directory (string): This is the directory in which the simulation results are located. If not provided, the current directory is used. T (float): This is the temperature at which the equlibrium simulation was run at. If not provided, T=300 is used. Units are in [K] vol (float): This is the volume of the simulation system. If not provided, vol=1 is used. Units are [angstroms^3]. dt (float): This is the timestep of the green-kubo part of the simulation. If not provided, dt=1 fs is used. units are in [fs] rate (int): This is the rate at which the heat flux is sampled. This is in number of timesteps. If not provided, we assume we sample once per timestep so, rate=dt tau (int): max lag time to integrate over. This is in units of [ns] heatflux_file (str): Filename of heatflux output. If not provided 'heat_out.heatflux' is used. mat_file (str): MATLAB file to load, if exists. If not provided, 'heat_flux.mat' will be used. Also used as filename for saved MATLAB file. Returns: dict: kx, ky, kz, t, directory, dt, tot_time, tau, T, vol, srate, jxjx, jyjy, jzjz Output keys:\n - kx (ndarray): x-direction thermal conductivity [W/m/K] - ky (ndarray): y-direction thermal conductivity [W/m/K] - kz (ndarray): z-direction thermal conductivity [W/m/K] - t (ndarray): time [ns] - directory (str): directory of results - dt (float): timestep [fs] - tot_time (float): total simulated time [ns] - tau (int): Lag time [ns] - T (float): [K] - vol (float): Volume of simulation cell [angstroms^3] - srate (float): See above - jxjx (ndarray): x-direction heat flux autocorrelation - jyjy (ndarray): y-direction heat flux autocorrelation - jzjz (ndarray): z-direction heat flux autocorrelation ''' # Check that directory exists if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise IOError('The path: {} is not a directory.'.format(directory)) # get heat flux, pass args hf = get_heat_flux(directory, heatflux_file,mat_file) Jx = np.squeeze(hf['Jx']) Jy = np.squeeze(hf['Jy']) Jz = np.squeeze(hf['Jz']) scale = __metal_to_SI(vol, T) # Set timestep if not set if dt is None: dt = 1.0e-6 # [ns] else: dt = dt*1.0e-6 # [fs] -> [ns] # set the heat flux sampling rate: rate*timestep*scaling srate = rate*dt # [ns] # Calculate total time tot_time = srate*(len(Jx)-1) # [ns] # set the integration limit (i.e. tau) if tau is None: tau = tot_time # [ns] max_lag = int(floor(tau/(srate))) t = np.squeeze(np.linspace(0, (max_lag)*srate, max_lag+1)) # [ns] ### AUTOCORRELATION ### jxjx = autocorr(np.squeeze(Jx).astype(np.complex128), max_lag) jyjy = autocorr(np.squeeze(Jy).astype(np.complex128), max_lag) jzjz = autocorr(np.squeeze(Jz).astype(np.complex128), max_lag) ### INTEGRATION ### kx = integrate.cumtrapz(jxjx, t, initial=0)*scale ky = integrate.cumtrapz(jyjy, t, initial=0)*scale kz = integrate.cumtrapz(jzjz, t, initial=0)*scale dt/=1e6 # [ns] -> [fs] return {'kx':kx, 'ky':ky, 'kz':kz, 't':t, 'directory':directory, 'dt':dt, 'tot_time':tot_time,'tau':tau, 'T':T, 'vol':vol, 'srate':srate, 'jxjx':jxjx, 'jyjy':jyjy, 'jzjz':jzjz}