Source code for

import os
import numpy as np

__author__ = "Alexander Gabourie"
__email__ = ""

def __get_path(directory, filename):
    if not directory:
        return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
    return os.path.join(directory, filename)

def __process_box(out, filehandle):
    Processes the lines of a trajectory file dedicated to the box size and shape

        out (dict):
            Stores all relevant box information

        filehandle (TextIOWrapper):
            The trajectory file handle

    for pair in [('x', 'xy'), ('y', 'xz'), ('z', 'yz')]:
        data = [float(i) for i in filehandle.readline().split()]
        triclinic = len(data) == 3
        out[pair[1]].append(data[2] if triclinic else None)

    if triclinic:
        a = np.array([out['x'][-1], 0, 0])
        b = np.array([out['xy'][-1], out['y'], 0])
        c = np.array([out['xz'][-1], out['yz'], out['z']])
        Avec = np.cross(a, b)
        out['V'].append(np.abs(, c)))

[docs]def get_dimensions(filename, directory=None): """ Gets the dimensions of a 3D simulation from a LAMMPS trajectory. Args: filename (str): LAMMPS trajectory file to extract dimensions from directory (str): The directory the trajectory file is found in Returns: dict: Dictionary with keys given in the table below .. csv-table:: Output dictionary :stub-columns: 1 **key**, x, y, z, A, V, xy, xz, yz **units**,|d1|,|d1|,|d1|,|d2|,|d3|,|d1|,|d1|,|d1| .. |d1| replace:: distance .. |d2| replace:: distance\ :sup:`2` .. |d3| replace:: distance\ :sup:`3` """ trjpath = __get_path(directory, filename) labels = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'V', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'] out = dict() for label in labels: out[label] = [] with open(trjpath) as f: line = f.readline() while line: if 'BOX' in line: __process_box(out, f) line = f.readline() return out
[docs]def extract_dt(log_file): """ Finds all time steps given in the lammps output log Args: log_file (str): LAMMPS log file to examine Returns: list(float): The timesteps found in log_file in [ps] """ dt = list() if os.path.isfile(log_file): with open(log_file, 'r') as log: lines = log.readlines() for line in lines: elements = line.split() if len(elements) > 0 and ' '.join(elements[0:2]) == 'Time step': dt.append(float(elements[3])) if len(dt) == 0: print('No timesteps found in', log_file) else: print(log_file, 'not found') return dt